Lovable India: Going Beyond Bad News

India is often portrayed as poor and unkempt – but there’s more to a country than its poverty
If the basis of a country’s beauty is its actual
India has become the victim of ‘poverty shaming’ for years now, and people seem to have forgotten that there’s more to a country than meets the eyes. People always speak of unsanitary toilets, clogged roads
What about the people, its culture and beliefs? Let this list be a reminder that there is always beauty in every country – and there are always reasons to visit and stay a while.
Bowing to someone might be a sign of subservience, but to Indian culture, the namaste is much more than that. It is a sign of community, of humility – two things that are slowly being erased in the global world.
It makes you feel part of what is, and what will be. And so don’t be shy – namaste to people that you meet in this great country.

While there will always be some inter-ethnic clashing, India’s peoples are striving to make their land more open to a diversity of beliefs and religions. The openness in which festivals from different peoples are held
Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, and

Colorful approach to life
From calling men that are not related to you as “